Philadelphia based illustrator and designer looking to push the boundaries of perception by exploring real world elements then layering and intertwining them into a surreal space. The current body of work, The Void, is a conceptual exploration of physical and mental spaces and the interaction between the two. The goal of the current work is to express a variety of emotions and experiences through a large variety of images, objects, people, etc. in the hopes of creating a body of work that is expressive of the emotions felt when creating it but also relatable in a way that the viewer can tie their own experiences and perceptions to each piece.
As of June 2021, Mortem Clothing Co. has been a new project that explores taking hand drawn illustration and applying it to a wearable medium. Mortem is built to be community oriented, inclusive, empowering, and in your face. This project has also been a vehicle to collaborate with different and inspiring artists to explore how the message of the brand can be displayed through different imagery.
University of Delaware
Bachelor of Fine Arts
University of Delaware Recitation Gallery
32 Prospect Ave. Gallery
32 Prospect Ave. Gallery
Chris White Gallery & University of Delaware Taylor Hall Gallery
We've Seen the Future AND IT SUCKS
Dual Show with Joseph Gardner
DIY Ethics We Don't Embody​
Group Show with Joseph Gardner, Andrew Gayda and Jeffery Toy
Another House Show
Group Show with Joseph Gardner and Andrew Gayda
That Other Show
University of Delaware Fine Arts Department Senior Thesis Show
Grants & Awards
University of Delaware Summer Fellows Grant Recipient
University of Delaware Summer Scholars Grant Recipient
University of Delaware Undergraduate Juried Show-
1st place​